
  • Ph.D in Software Engineering, School of Software Engineering Tongji University, 2022-09-01 to 2026-07-01(expected)
    • Advisor: Professor Yang Shi
  • M.S. in Computer Technology, College of Information Technology Shanghai Ocean University, 2019-09-01 to 2022-05-20
    • Advisor: Professor Lifei Wei
  • B.S. in Software Engineering, School of Software Jiangxi Agricultural University, 2014-09-01 to 2018-07-01

Honors & Awards

  • Nomination Award for Excellent Master’s Degree Thesis, Shanghai Computer Society, Shanghai, China, 2023-01 [Link]
  • National scholarship for Doctoral Students, Ministry of Education, China, 2022-12
  • Excellent Graduate Student in Shanghai, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai, China, 2022-06
  • National Scholarship for Master’s Degree Students, Ministry of Education, China, 2021-12
  • the Second Award of “Huawei Cup” The 18th China Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, China Association for Degree and Graduate Education and Chinese Association for Science and Technology Youth Science and Technology Center, China, 2021-12

ProjectsProjects Presided

  • Luo Zhaorao Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Shanghai Ocean University
    • Funding type: Grant
  • Funding agency name: Shanghai Ocean University
    • Grant number: A1-2004-20-201312

Projects Involved

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
    • Grant number: 61972241, 61972094
  • Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai
    • Grant number: 18ZR1417300, 22ZR1427100
  • Luo Zhaorao Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Shanghai Ocean University

Membership and services



Journal Reviewer

  • IEEE System Journal

Conforence Reviewer

  • International Conference on Networks, Communication and Information Technology (NCIT 2022)