
I am currently a Ph.D. student in the School of Software Engineering (SSE) at Tongji University (TONGJI), under the supervision of Professor Yang Shi.

Prior to this, I received my Master of Engineering degree from the College of Information Technology at Shanghai Ocean University, under the guidance of Professor Lifei Wei.

My Bachelor of Engineering degree was obtained from the School of Software at Jiangxi Agricultural University.


My research interests primarily lie in the fields of privacy-preserving machine learning and secure multi-party computation, with additional focus on AI security and privacy computing.

I am particularly interested in exploring the privacy protection of data and models, as well as the development of efficient building blocks, with the goal of applying theoretical and algorithmic advances to real-world scenarios.

Recent News

  • May 09, 2023. A paper titled “DeepDefense: A Steganalysis-Based Backdoor Detecting and Mitigating Protocol in Deep Neural Networks for AI Security” is published at Security and Communication Networks (SCN, CCF-C Journal / JCR Q3), available at [here].

  • Nov 15, 2022. A paper titled “Efficient Private Set Intersection Protocols with Semi-trusted Cloud Server Aide” is published at Journal of Software (CCF-T1 Journal), available at [here].

  • Oct 10, 2022. A first-author paper titled “DeepGuard: Backdoor Attack Detection and Identification Schemes in Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks” is published at Security and Communication Networks (SCN, CCF-C Journal / JCR Q3), available at [here].

  • Sep 5, 2022. A first-author titled “MP-BADNet+: Secure and effective backdoor attack detection and mitigation protocols among multi-participants in private DNNs” is accepted at Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA, CCF-C Journal / JCR Q2), available at [here].


Congcong Chen

School of Software Engineering, Tongji University

Address: 4800 Cao’an Road, Jiading District, Shanghai 201804

Email: chencongcong@tongji.edu.cn / chencongcong0302@163.com

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Updated by Chen Congcong on February 7, 2023