
This article introduces some resources for privacy computing, including secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, zero-knowledge proofs, differential privacy, trusted execution environments, and more.


Jamie-Cui / awesome-secure-computation

  • Jamie-Cui / awesome-secure-computation: Awesome list for cryptographic secure computation paper. This repo includes Lattice, DifferentialPrivacy, MPC and also a comprehensive summary for top conferences.
    • MPC
      • Summaries and Talks
      • OT
      • OLE/vOLE
      • OPRF and PSI
      • PIR
      • PFE
      • FSS
      • Semi-honest MPC
      • Malicious MPC
    • Lattice
      • Summaries and Talks
      • HE

primihub / Awesome-Privacy-Computing

  • primihub / Awesome-Privacy-Computing: This repo includes:
    • Secure Multiparty Computation (SMPC)
      • Primitive
        • Oblivious Transfer (OT)
        • Garbled Circuit
        • Arithmetic/Boolean Circuit
        • A/B/Y Shares Conversion
        • PSI
        • Multiparty ECDSA signing
        • Function Secret Sharing
      • Survey
      • Books
      • Courses
      • Open Source Framework
    • Federated Learning (FL)
    • Homomorphic Encryption (HE)
      • FHE Libraries
      • FHE Applications
      • FHE Papers
    • Differential Privacy (DP)
      • DP Papers
      • DP Books
      • DP Courses
      • DP Libraries
    • Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP)
    • Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML)
      • Papers
      • Survey
      • Videos

matter-labs / awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs

  • matter-labs / awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs: A curated list of awesome things related to learning Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP).
    • Awesome zero knowledge proofs (zkp)
    • Contents
    • General introduction
    • Courses
    • Use cases
    • Applications
      • Ethereum
      • Other blockchains
    • Comparison of the most popular zkp systems
    • Bulletproofs
      • Try
      • Proof system implementations
      • Halo
    • SNARKs
      • Learn
      • Try
      • Scaling the prover
      • Multi-Party Ceremony (MPC) for Trusted Setup
    • SNORKs
      • Sonic
      • PLONK
      • Marlin
    • STARKS
      • Learn
      • FRI-STARKs
      • SuperSonic
      • Fractal
    • Social media

rdragos / awesome-mpc

  • rdragos / awesome-mpc: A curated list of multi party computation resources and links.
    • Theory
      • Books
      • Courses
      • Tutorials
    • Misc
    • Software
      • Frameworks
      • Primitives
      • Protocols
      • Tools
      • Retired software
    • Workshops


Contributions welcome! Please contact Chen Congcong.